Creating Influence
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Focus on the Future: Growing Advocacy Through Strategy

Growing advocacy strength happens at all levels … from within a branch creating relationships with legislators, within a credit union growing connections and implementing an individual advocacy strategy, within the industry working together with other credit unions for collective power, and from a state and national trade association level to advance priorities for the industry on a state and federal level. But with the recently voted-upon merger between GCUA and the League of Southeastern Credit Unions (LSCU), how does that change things, and can credit unions amplify their advocacy footprint to ensure that the industry is in a strong position?

That’s what the focus was this week from July 8th through July 10th when leadership in multiple areas of GCUA met with their counterparts from Florida and Alabama with the LSCU to analyze what each of us bring to the table for credit unions and how to chart a path going forward. And from an advocacy perspective, what can be the most beneficial for credit unions in all three states. And while each state has its separate state legislature, with different issues, personalities and strategies of how to achieve the best operating environment for the credit unions, having a collective voice that’s amplified by three states on a federal level is an area of keen interest from an advocacy perspective. And, a key advantage from any one state alone.

In the midst of all the effort focused on the consolidation that will need to take place by the end of the year, the advocacy strategy set forth to grow grassroots influence for credit unions carries on regardless full steam ahead. Addressing legislative issues and continuous relationship development is key to success of Georgia credit unions. And while with any combination of organizations will bring change, the one thing that will not change is the focus to ensure that credit unions are protected and advanced at both the state and federal level.

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