Creating Influence

It’s that Time of Year: Time for PZC!

December is an ideal window to run the free program that is unique for credit unions and provides a huge impact – Project Zip Code! A powerful data point that resonates with legislators when we meet with them is the actual number of members by credit union in their district, but your credit union is only included in this if you run this quick program.

There are more than 70 Georgia credit unions that have their member numbers included in Project Zip Code, and 48 credit unions have updated their numbers in the past three years. This effort matters. It helps articulate the depth and breadth of the industry in the areas legislators pay attention to – their districts! Most credit unions run this at the onset of each year, and by doing so it helps accurately portray the industry to legislators.

In addition, it’s also a resource for the credit union itself to help identify areas of membership for potential ideas for a branch, for an ATM or for targeted marketing campaigns. Zeroing in on membership concentrations – all while doing so with no personally identifiable member data, whether it’s used for the credit union or to articulate the number of members to legislators.

If your credit union does not run Project Zip Code, it’s easy to do (access it here). And if you aren’t sure if your credit union does and is included in the count, please reach out to the Advocacy Team at LSCU and we will be happy to share!

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