Creating Influence

Resource for Your Credit Union: ElectionWatch

The 2018 elections provide an opportunity for all credit unions to make a difference, build legislative influence and connect with members. For some, this could be perceived as a “scary” undertaking. But don’t panic, one of the easiest ways to be involved in the elections is the simple act of encouraging your members to vote, and you can do so without taking a political side or stance through utilizing ElectionWatch.

This online tool offers information on the key election dates, how to register, where to vote, how to change a polling location, and various information on how to get more information on the races and candidates for state and federal elections – and takes the fear out of being engaged. Add ElectionWatch to your website and/or online employee portal. If you’re dying for more, there’s additional resources on the site ranging from social media content to newsletters and on-hold messages.

This site was designed to take the politics out of encouraging members to vote, and have a bit of fun in the process. Why? With more than 2 million Georgia residents who are credit union members, the industry can make a difference in the election process – and that’s something worth screaming!

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