Creating Influence
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Game Plan for Credit Unions: Advocacy Agenda on Both Federal and State Levels

The work on issues for credit unions, both offensively and defensively, is continual and happens here in Georgia and in Washington, D.C. GCUA engages with CUNA to address credit union issues on a federal level in Congress, and has a lobbying team focused on the issues on a state level. And the focus, regardless of whether it is in Atlanta or Washington, D.C., is to improve and enhance the future for credit unions through priorities centered on federal, state, regulatory, and public influence as illustrated by the 2019 Advocacy Plans.

These plans are in full swing with the new federal and state legislative sessions; for a quick overview of the federal 2019 Advocacy Agenda of CUNA click here. Here in Georgia credit unions works together with CUNA and GCUA to advance the industry and has its state-specific advocacy agenda. This agenda, the 2019 Georgia Advocacy Plan, is the direct outcome of credit union feedback; dialogue with credit unions throughout the year, the legislative survey of the industry, the Advocacy Policy Committee members in August as well as September approving language, and is weighed for approval by the League board in November. It’s a collective effort to determine where credit union efforts should be focused to make the most impact for the state, and to serve as guiderails on the issues yet to come. And these guiderail priorities are to:

  • Enhance credit union legislative influence on both federal and state levels through the regular engagement of credit unions and legislators to strengthen awareness and build understanding of the unique legislative needs of the industry.
  • Influence the regulatory landscape where credit unions operate through shaping pending regulations on a state and federal level, engaging legislators to promote bills positive to credit union operations, and influencing the outcome of bills that impact the credit union industry on a state level before they become law.
  • Communicate credit union issues and needs to credit union employees and members to provide credit unions the timely information to cultivate strong awareness of legislative and regulatory issues, and enhance the ability of the industry to shape its future.
  • Promote involvement by credit union people in the advocacy process, from political fundraising, member communications and other grassroots initiatives to expanding the ability of credit unions to make a positive impact on a state and federal level.
  • Create a climate that encourages consumers’ awareness of credit unions through expanding the overall awareness of credit unions and positioning credit unions as thought leaders in consumer finance.

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