Creating Influence

Resource for Board and Staff: Top 20 State Issues

Every state legislative session is a serious gamble with issues, challenges and political hurdles to address. The 2019 state session was no exception, by a longshot! In 2019 there were more than 340 bills of interest to credit unions that required monitoring, lobbying, amending and, for some, outright defeating to protect the industry. And with it being the first year of a two-year cycle, everything is still up to chance, as the bills that did not pass carry over into 2020. This year’s process was the roughest one experienced to date; however, the result was the most positive from a credit union perspective.

But do you know what happened, what passed and what was stopped? You can see all the bills addressed on behalf of credit unions in the tracking system here – and while that works well from a lobbying perspective, most of us do not have the time (or the patience!) to weed through the hundreds and thousands of bills. As such, a quick overview of the top issues is created specifically for credit unions to provide key quick points on what happened in the state session that matters to the industry. This overview on the legislative issues is instrumental in educating:

  • Board members on the issues that impact the industry,
  • Staff on what changes are (or can be) anticipated, and
  • Even legislators on the top issues that matter to credit unions!

Take advantage of this quick resources to help educate board and staff: please utilize the “Top 20 Issues” document for the key issues addressed this year during the state Legislature on behalf of credit unions.

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